Top 5 Basic Blogging Tips for New Bloggers

Top 5 Basic Blogging Tips for New Bloggers

As blogging is becoming more and more popular in today’s digital world, almost three quarters of online users have their own virtual presences on the web, achieving different goals based on their explicit needs. Due to the fact that blogging has become a trending nowadays, many newbies are looking for some online tutorials or guidelines concerning about the successful establishment of a blog site. To be frank, building up a blog is easy, but keeping it great is a hard job. As explaining this thoroughly can be a large project, here, we’d like to list the top 5 basic tips for new bloggers as how to set up a blog site with great popularity and success.

Think over the blog builder

First of all, you should have a look at the blog building tools on the Internet. After all, as a newbie, it’s impossible for you to start your blog with the coding stuff. Even, the automatic tool you choose must be user-friendly without large learning curve. This way, you can make your things a lot easier.
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Among so many blog builders available, we highly suggest you to have a try on WordPress. This tool is built for beginners in nature. Its intuitive interface and easy-to-use dashboard make the blog building process a simple thing even for a five grade student. Besides, this tool is backed by a large community, consisting hundreds of thousands of experienced WordPress users and developers. This means whatever problem you encounter with this builder, you can seek for a resolution effectively by explaining your issue. Even, there are so many WordPress resource sites available like WhatsWP, presenting everything related to WordPress for learning, from the easy installation to the customizing coding.
Besides WordPress, you can also learn about Drupal, Joomla, Be2Evolution, and many more, but honestly, no other ones are as usable as our recommendation.

Keep an eye on your hosting provider

To set up a self-controlled blog, you also need a hosting service to support your site. This directly decides how readers feel your site. After all, if your web host places your blog site at a quality web server featuring sufficient server resources and high specification, you don’t need to worry about the disk space and daily traffic consumption, uploading as many contents as your want and supporting a large number of online visitors. Even, this influences your website uptime greatly. Besides, if your web host has multiple data centers, then you can choose to locate your current shared server at the best place that is nearly to you and your readers. This way can reduce the physical distance for data transfer, and in the meantime, speeding up the webpage loading and downloading to the largest extent.
Besides the basic infrastructure, you should also take the features into consideration. Here, you do not need to think over the programming languages like Ruby, Python, Perl and many more, but look at the simple things including control panel, 1-click script installer, backup service and website security measures.
Here, we don’t mean to recommend you one option. After all, you have to choose on your own based on the budget, features needed, target visitors and many more. At present, there are so many hosting review sites available like LinkedHosts, from which you can find the top web hosts based on different keywords like Cheap, Blogging and Fast Hosting.

Choose a unique and responsive blog theme

Website design is no longer difficult for new bloggers due to the existence of themes and templates that are well designed and crafted. You only need to choose your favorite one, install it, activate it, configure it, and start using. As for the selection, you should take the following things into account.

  • The theme must be responsive, adapting to different viewing devices automatically.
  • The design and style should be attractive and unique, catching people’s eyes effectively.
  • The theme should have a clear layout, displaying your words and images in a proper way.

You can choose your preferred one from theme market places like MOJO, Elegant Themes and Ink Themes. Some of them are free and some are paid. Just pick one based on your needs.

Update meaningful content regularly

Now, you have made all the preparations done. So, you can start blogging; here means you can come out some words and publish online.
Generally, if you want to make your blog site popular and attractive, you have to guarantee that your blog posts are meaningful and worth reading. I mean what your write must teach people something and should be what they are looking for.
To target readers’ needs, you can use some keyword tools to find out what are the hot topics that people are interested within your niche. Thus, you can start writing accordingly. Here, don’t forget to put the keywords into the post title and repeat around 4 times in the post body. This is beneficial for search engine optimizations.
In fact, one of the most important things for blog writing is that – never copy and plagiarize your peer bloggers. This is banned by search engines. If you do this, then your site will face strict penalty, such as putting the ranking down.
Besides, you should know that people are looking for something new and fresh. Therefore, do not make your blog site unchanging. Update it with now words regularly. Generally, 3-4 new posts published per week is proper.

Market your blog site

Only publish blog post is not enough. You also need to market your site to tell people its existence. For instance, you can exchange the links with your peer bloggers, promote your blog content via some social networking platforms like Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook, showcase your URL on some leading BBS like Quora and Reddit, and many more. The more people know you, the more successful your blog is.

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