Fednet Bank is the online platform for Federal bank users for dealing with almost all online transactions. Personal as well as Corporate can make use of this online service without going to the bank directly. Those who are not having any debit or Credit card can make use of this fednet bank for online purchasing as well. Look at some of the awesome features and services of fednet bank.
Online Fund Transfer: Why you are going to a bank for transferring funds to others? Fednet bank allows real time fund transfer with a small fee. Just save your time of rushing to nearby bank and on the queue.
Pay bills Online: You can pay almost all bills using your net bank account. not only Fenet but also all other banks provide the same. You can pay tax, electricity bill, Water bill, telephone bill etc without going to the office.
Online purchase: One important advantage of online purchase is the discount. You can save a lot by purchasing goods online. One thing you should remember is that, never purchase from unauthorized websites.
Ticket Booking: book your tickets from your home. You can book Railway tickets, Airline tickets, bus tickets and movie tickets too from your home. Make use of these services offered by all banks.
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Fix Daily amount Limit has been exceeded in fednet bank
This solution is directly tested by me yesterday while purchasing a brand new Laptop from shopclues.com. Searching all over the Indian Online markets, I found a Laptop on shopclues with lowest price. After confirming its performance on YouTube, I decided to purchase it. Signup on shopclues and Complete my order. My first option was to pay with my VISA debit card. I tried the Debit card two times. But the transaction return to the same order page without completing it. Then I realize that I could withdraw only 40000 per day using my debit card. The Laptop was worth 45000 Rs.
Then next option to complete the order was by using fednet. I choose Net banking instead of Debit/Credit card and the payment page redirect me to my fednet bank page. But here also I face a problem. It shows “Daily amount Limit has been exceeded“. Now what to do? If I go for the same product on local shop, it will cost me around 65000 Rs.
I didn’t give up. Called Federal bank 24*7 Customer care Service and they help me to solve this simple issue. The representative told me that the issue is because I am having a default Limit for my online transactions. So that I could only transfer upto 30000 Rs per transaction. By changing the default limit to any other available limits [Silver of Gold] I can complete my orders above 30000 Rs. You can make use of the below screenshot to resolve this issue without making a call to the customer service center.
Step1:- Go to your Fednet Bank dashboard page and there you can see a tab named “General Services”. Click on it.
Step2:- Under General Services, there will be a lot of services listed. Among them you should choose “Enhance Transaction Limit”.
Step3:- Now you could see a “Limit Category”. Change the limit category to “Gold Net”. and press continue.
Step4:- Now you will ask your transaction password. Provide it there and press submit button.
Now you are finished from your side. You should wait for a maximum of 1 hour to make the changes get saved [No need to open up your fednet bank account page. It will happen automatically] In most cases, it took only less than 30 minutes to complete. Enjoy making transactions above 30000 Rs. If you have any doubts, please feel free to comment below. We are happy to help you. Also don’t forget to share and encourage us.