The Ultimate Web Coding for Everyone Bundle

The Ultimate Web Coding for Everyone Bundle

When it comes to learning to code, one of the most coveted skills of our time, the task can be daunting if not downright inaccessible. With the democratization of information that the internet has brought, computer programming is no longer a skill reserved solely for techie students at elite universities. The Ultimate Web Coding for Everyone Bundle is specifically equipped to turn beginners into experts in no time. 

Dive deeper into the world of web coding with eight courses and 227 lessons on Python, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, Bootstrap 4, MySQL and Node.js. Learn basic to advanced Python 3 programming in only an hour with the Python Programming for Everyone course. Get up to speed in Ruby with a one-hour, beginner-friendly, fast-tracked course. Start writing and running JavaScript like a pro with JavaScript Programming for Everyone. 

Work your way towards becoming a backend coder with an introduction to PHP for web development. Develop the skills you need to build awesome websites using HTML and Bootstrap CSS Framework. Use MySQL and Node.js to create databases, build and host websites and more. 

This eight-course bundle has been discounted by 98%, dropping the price to just $29. Don’t worry that you’re starting from scratch. The Ultimate Web Coding for Everyone Bundle is here to guide you on your way towards programming proficiency and expertise.

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